Order of the Arrow at Forestburg Summer Camp
Purpose of the OA
The purpose of the Order of the Arrow is fourfold:
• To promote Scout camping
• To develop and maintain camping traditions and spirit
• To crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others
• To recognize those Scout campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives

Na Tsi Hi
Na Tsi Hi is the OA lodge affiliated with Monmouth Council and Forestburg Scout Reservation. The lodge has over 530 youth members representing 72 Troops.
Cheerful Service
The biggest yearly event is the spring pow-wow when the lodge gathers at FSR to induct new members, conduct ceremonies for advancing members and set-up camp for the summer. There is usually time for a few more camp improvement projects.
Twice a year the lodge Trails Crew gathers to add new trails, and to improve and maintain the FSR trails under the direction of Ranger George Kaiser. Trail maps are available from the Camp Chief, the main office and camp craft.
Summer Camp Support
introduced during the Sunday Scoutmasters meeting. All the OA forms you need are in the welcome package. If you need additional forms, just ask The lodge activities during summer camp are conducted by the Camp Chief. The Chief wears a distinctive beaded Camp Chief medallion and is the Camp Chief.

The Camp Chief coordinates the OA activities in camp. He is there to help and support the camping units. If you need some assistance ask the Camp Chief as early in the week as you can.
OA day is Thursday, when Arrowmen wear their sashes, the Brotherhood ceremonies are conducted and the Fellowship Feast is held.
Cheerful Service, one of the Service Award requirements, can be performed any day during summer camp. Just get a camp service project from the Camp Chief.
Brotherhood Membership
To become a Brotherhood member you must have 6 months of service and be current with your dues. Brotherhood is an opportunity to learn more about the Ordeal and completes the OA induction process. The Camp Chief will have study guides with everything you need to know. To learn more, go to natsihi.org and click on JumpStart.
Any OA Arrowmen may participate in the Brotherhood training sessions as long as they can prove they are a current member of the Order of the Arrow. A current membership card is the required proof.
ONLY members of Na Tsi Hi may become Brotherhood members at FSR. This policy is mandated by the National OA Committee and is defined in the Guide to Officers and Advisers. The only exception to that policy is when a special waiver has been granted by the National or Northeast Region OA Committee and a written request for a specific Arrowmen by name from his home lodge is submitted to the Na Tsi Hi Lodge Adviser in advance.
Fellowship Feast
Held Thursday evening in Housman Lodge (aka the Billett Camp Dining Hall) is a time for fellowship, a few snacks and usually a movie.
OA Service Award
The OA Service Award can be earned by youth and adult Arrowmen of any OA Lodge while they are attending summer camp at FSR. The award requirements are meaningful and in the Spirit of the Order of the Arrow, but are not difficult to achieve. The award may be earned only once a year. See the application for the requirements.
The OA Service Award is a rocker patch that can be attached to the FSR Summer Camp Patch. Like the summer camp patches the style changes every year. The 2009 Summer Camp patch and OA Service Award are shown.

Unit Camp Participation Award
The OA Camp Participation award is earned by ANY Monmouth Council Unit with 60% of their registered youth camping together at the same time as a unit. Complete the form and submit it to the Camp Chief. The award is a streamer that can be affixed to the unit flag staff. A unit can earn only one award per year. Units from other councils attending summer camp at FSR should contact their home council to request the award.
Forestburg Heritage Trail
The Forestburg Heritage Trail was created in 2006 to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Forestburg Scout Reservation. Hiking the trail and answering the questionnaire is a great way to learn more about the camp and earn a cool medal. Obtain trail questionnaires and order medals through the Camp Chief.