James E. West Award

An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
This award recognizes donations made by individuals or groups to the local council’s endowment fund. The donation may be given by a group to honor a fellow Scout or Scouter. The award is named for James E. West, who was appointed Chief Scout Executive in 1910. James E. West led the Boy Scouts of America through its first three decades as it grew into a strong national organization.
There can be no finer honor paid to a Scouter than to be named a James E. West Fellow, indicating that the recipient has the same spirit and dedication to Scouting as did James E. West. Those who are recognized with the James E. West Fellowship Award will cast their own lengthened shadow as they help ensure the future of our Scouting legacy through financial stability.
For many years Na Tsi Hi had bestowed honorary life memberships as a way to recognize outstanding individuals whose positive influence on young Arrowmen was both broad and lasting and whose long-term dedication and service had significantly benefited Na Tsi Hi Lodge. Often times the life membership honor was presented on the occasion of that individual leaving the lodge or leaving the position in which they had prominently served. In that way it was similar to a lifetime achievement award.
Updated Order of the Arrow guidelines do not acknowledge life memberships and our lodge chose to begin a new tradition by bestowing the James E. West Fellowship Award which now serves the same purpose.
At the 2008 Winter Banquet, Na Tsi Hi Lodge presented our first James E. West Fellowship Award to our first Lodge Chief Robert Schwab. Robert Schwab was concurrently the recipient of the last honorary life membership in Na Tsi Hi Lodge. Together our Honorary Life Members and James E. West Fellows represent an outstanding legacy of leadership in service.
Na Tsi Hi has honored the following brothers with the James E. West Fellowship Award:
Robert Schwab
First chief Na Tsi Hi Lodge, Eagle Scout, Scoutmaster, Vigil Honor Brother, Teacher, Soldier, Forestburg Camp Staff
Walter Downing
Life-long Scout, Lodge Adviser, Vigil Honor Brother, Scoutmaster, Ceremonies Adviser, District Award of Merit, Silver Beaver, Founder’s Award
June Fine

William “Buffalo Bill” Bishop Jr
George Kaiser
Forestburg Camp Ranger
Adam Shumard
Quail Hill Camp Ranger
Matthew Carlson
First Na Tsi Hi National Youth Officer

- George Engledrum
- Thomas Fraley
- Chester Fromm
- Magne Gundersen
- Orland Johnson
- Carl Marchetti
- Ward Miles
- Thomas Morley
- Robert Schwab
- Sandy Tallman
- Edward Weickel
- Michael Wyman