Committee Email Address: elections@natsihi.org
Unit Election ShortJump to:
- Lodge Chief’s Letter
- Link to the National OA Guide to Elections Publication
- Instructions on how to use the New OA Unit Portal
Membership Requirements
- The requirements for Eligibility can be found in the Lodge Chief’s Letter above.
Unit Accounts – Schedule Your Election Today!
- On/about Jan 15, every unit leader was sent an email reminder about holding your unit’s election
- In the same email was a link where you request an election / unit visit to have our Elections Team come out and help you run your election.
- The email should send you a unique link which will land you on units.oa-bsa.org/schedule-election for your unit.
- Please use this option vs emailing to set up election support
- To decline holding your election this year, please follow the same steps and uncheck both “unit election” and “camp promotion” under Election / Visit Options
- If your unit needs help with the Unit Portal, please follow these step by step instructions to schedule the election
Unit Election Process for Youth
Here is the summarized Unit Election Process:
- The unit (Troop, Crew, or Ship) will announce when it will be holding it’s Order of the Arrow Election on an annual basis
- The unit sends the ONLINE REQUEST to the Lodge’s Election team to let us know in advance when you are holding the election.
- Our team will confirm your request and follow-up with your Youth/Adult leaders.
- The unit’s Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor or Sea Scout Skipper identifies which Scout(s) ages 11-20 have met the membership requirements to be on the Unit’s Ballot.
- As a rule of thumb, the Lodge is looking to induct 90% of your elected Scouts, so please do not put youth on the ballot if it is clear they will not attend the Induction Events.
- Please review the Lodge Chief’s Election Letter for further explanations on qualifications.
- The Unit holds the election following the OA Guide to Elections. (please see pages 25-28)
- The Elections Team (with help from the Unit’s Top Leader) fills out the Unit Election Report.
- The Unit’s Leader sends us the Unit Election Report (PDF) by email to elections@natsihi.org. This is the only document we need sent to us by email.
- Once the Unit Leader sends us the Election Report (in PDF format), they would then use the Unit Election Results – (Excel Spreadsheet) as a tool, to enter their Scouts information directly to our system.
- The Unit then calls out the elected youth and encourages them to attend one of our upcoming Induction Events
- If you have no one eligible this year, we would still be happy to visit with your unit and tell the Scouts about our Order.
If you need help setting up your unit’s election or to help promote your Unit’s OA program, please reach out to us at elections@natsihi.org
OA Nomination Process for Adults
- The Unit’s Committee reviews the Adult Nomination Guidelines and submits Adult Nomination Forms as applicable for review through the online portal.